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Brand Identity

Establishing a solid brand identity for a new company or product is one of the first steps most businesses will take in the early phases of development. Our advice…bring in the experts and the ROI will be well worth it. After all, this IS what we do.

“Design is so simple. That’s why it is so complicated.”

—Paul Rand  |  art director and graphic designer

Do you need help with establishing a new brand, designing a new logo, or developing a brand identity? You’re probably wondering if maybe you need all three, right? Well…

…what are the differences between a brand, a logo, and brand identity? The short answer is that a “brand” is a company’s relationship to their market, a “logo” is their trademark, and “brand identity” is how a company consistently represents themselves through established expressions via their name, logo, tagline, tonality, typeface, color scheme, etc.

Your actual “brand” is something that is cultivated over time and is direct result of the overall tonality projected to your audience, their perception of your product or service, and how they relate to both. In the meantime, we can certainly provide design solutions to any or all of the expressions that make up your brand identity which includes a color scheme, logo, typefaces, style guides, stationery, etc. Our knowledgeable graphic designers will work with you to strategically develop these elements by researching and identifying your target audience and competitors.

Our Graphic Designers Can Work With You To:


Design a New Logo


Develop a Strategically Focused Color Scheme


Generate a Brand Identity Style Guide


Layout a Stationery Package


Create Branded PowerPoint Presentation Templates


...and MUCH MORE!

Brand Identity Services

I Love Working With Creative Minds

If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we'll be in touch soon!
