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Mechanism of Action Illustration

iSpeak CREATIVE offers detailed mechanism of action (MOA) illustrations for drug interactions. The illustrations span in complexity from simple graphic depictions to comprehensive Photoshop renderings. MOA illustrations may be leveraged for use in animations, brochures, medical journals, newsletters, website pages, etc. Our skilled illustrators will provide any necessary file type required for your project. Contact us today to get your illustration started!

“In pharmacology, the term mechanism of action (MOA) refers to the specific biochemical interaction through which a drug substance produces its pharmacological effect. A mechanism of action usually includes mention of the specific molecular targets to which the drug binds, such as an enzyme or receptor. Receptor sites have specific affinities for drugs based on the chemical structure of the drug, as well as the specific action that occurs there. Drugs that do not bind to receptors produce their corresponding therapeutic effect by simply interacting with chemical or physical properties in the body.” 1

1Source: Wikipedia

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