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Before & After

We can create design magic from napkin scribblings…

Before & After: Brand & Website Redesign

As mentioned on our Portfolio Creative Highlights page, Phase2Phase Strategy needed a major overhaul of its outdated branding and website design to establish an enduring identity amongst industry peers as well as to attract a broader client base. Below is a before and after slider of the website redesign project with revamped logo in place. The client thought that the new and improved “site looked great” and was pleased with the outcome.

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Before & After: Infographic

Phase2Phase Strategy uses this circular diagram as a major visual element in their pitch presentations to explain the process of their “Strategic Consultancy and Program / Platform Design” to potential clients. As seen in the BEFORE graphic, the visual lacked clarity and was a bit difficult to follow. Once the establishment of their new brand color scheme by iSpeak CREATIVE was in place, we revitalized the infographic for incorporation onto the new site as well for future pitch PowerPoint presentations. The result is a graphic that is current, sleek, and much easier to comprehend.

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Before & After: PowerPoint Title Slide

African Mining & Metals Group (AMMG) enlisted the PowerPoint design expertise of iSpeak CREATIVE to update their PowerPoint template design and transition their slide size from a standard (4:3) ratio to a widescreen (16:9) ratio. Their instructions for the title slide included three key design factors: 1. That the African continent was to remain a prominent focus; 2. That a metallic element should be incorporated that would serve to emphasize the nature of their business; 3. That the overall tonality should be slick. After a few tweaks from the originally proposed concept, we were able to arrive at a solution that, per the client’s feedback, far exceeded their expectations and they are now proudly showcasing their slides in their upgraded PowerPoint template!  

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Before & After: Medical Illustration Detail

Often we receive existing presentations with content that is pulled from numerous sources. It is highly recommended that, once the slide deck is fully assembled, the distinct various elements that make up the whole be properly formatted to eventually appear as one cohesive presentation. In this example, the client dropped in an image from a preexisting source. However, the color scheme did not work well with the branded theme nor was the clarity optimal. Our presentation design specialist was able to recreate the illustration in a vector based program, import it into the slide presentation, and apply the colors from the template palette. The end result was a diagram that seamlessly tied in with the branded theme and was much more legible to the audience. The client was quite pleased!

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Before & After: Comparison Diagram

From practically a napkin scribbling to an actual graphic image, our experienced graphic designer was able to easily disseminate exactly what the strategist wanted to convey. The end result was a clear and concise comparison diagram that, in context, effectively illustrated the analysis model explanation that served to support the rationale and enhance the sales pitch.

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